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10 countries in Africa with the lowest worker stress rate

Work stress, a significant global concern, varies across regions due to differing socioeconomic conditions, cultural factors, and lifestyle variations. In Africa, a continent known for its diversity, some countries report surprisingly low work stress levels.

Despite varying economic conditions and social challenges, cultural factors, strong community ties, and a connection to nature play crucial roles in managing stress.

Effective healthcare and social support systems also contribute significantly to the low work-stress rates observed in these African nations. Understanding these factors can provide valuable insights into how other countries might address and reduce stress among their populations.

Indermit Gill, World Bank’s chief economist made a startling claim “ A lost decade could be in the making for the global economy. The ongoing decline in potential growth has serious implications for the world’s ability to tackle the expanding array of challenges unique to our times, stubborn poverty, diverging incomes, and climate change.”

Read also: Top 10 African countries with the highest worker stress rate

The report indicates that low engagement costs the global economy $8.8 trillion, which accounts for 9% of the global GDP. This figure shows the critical role of engagement in determining global success or failure.

Ineffective management results in both financial losses and decreased employee well-being. Gallup’s research reveals that having a job you dislike is more detrimental to quality of life than unemployment itself.

According to Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace 2023 Report, Here are the top 10 African countries with the highest worker stress rate

1. Mauritius — 22%

Mauritius tops the list with the lowest stress rate of 22%. The low work stress levels can be attributed to the country’s high Human Development Index (HDI), effective healthcare system, and overall quality of life. A strong sense of community and family ties also play a crucial role in mitigating stress among the population.

2. Mozambique — 30%

Mozambique, with a stress rate of 30%, is second on the list. Despite facing economic challenges, Mozambique’s rich cultural heritage and strong community networks provide significant emotional support to its residents. The traditional lifestyle, close-knit family structures, and the communal way of living contribute to lower stress levels.

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3. Kenya — 31%

Kenya, at 31%, is renowned for its vibrant culture and dynamic society. The country’s diverse landscapes, including savannas, lakes, and mountains, offer numerous recreational activities that help reduce stress. Additionally, the growth in sectors like technology and tourism has brought about economic improvements, contributing to a better standard of living and lower stress levels.

4. Namibia — 31%

Namibia shares the third spot with Kenya, also reporting a stress rate of 31%. Known for its vast deserts and unique wildlife, Namibia provides a serene environment that naturally alleviates stress. The country’s low population density and the slower pace of life contribute to the overall well-being of its residents.

5. Ethiopia — 32%

Ethiopia, with a stress rate of 32%, has a rich history and cultural heritage that instils a strong sense of identity and community among its people. Traditional lifestyles, reliance on agriculture, and strong social networks play significant roles in keeping stress levels low. The government’s focus on improving healthcare and education also contributes to a healthier and less stressful life for many Ethiopians.

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6. Algeria — 33%

Algeria, a North African country, has a stress rate of 33%. The nation’s diverse geography, ranging from coastal areas to the Sahara Desert, provides various avenues for relaxation and recreation. Algeria’s relatively stable economy and extensive social programs help reduce financial stress, contributing to the overall low-stress rate.

7. Gabon — 34%

Gabon, with a stress rate of 34%, is known for its significant oil wealth, which has translated into better living standards for its citizens. The government’s investment in healthcare and education, coupled with the country’s lush rainforests and wildlife, creates a conducive environment for a stress-free life. Gabonese culture also places a high value on community and family, which helps in stress management.

8. South Africa — 36%

South Africa’s stress rate stands at 36%. Despite facing numerous socio-economic challenges, the country’s diverse and multicultural society offers strong community support. South Africa’s beautiful landscapes and vibrant cities provide numerous opportunities for leisure and relaxation. Moreover, the country’s robust healthcare system and increasing awareness about mental health contribute to lower stress levels.

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9. Côte d’Ivoire — 37%

Côte d’Ivoire, with a stress rate of 37%, benefits from its rich cultural traditions and strong family structures. The economic growth in recent years, particularly in the agricultural sector, has improved the living standards of many Ivorians. Social cohesion and community support systems are vital in managing stress and fostering a sense of well-being among the population.

10. Mali — 37%

Mali, also with a stress rate of 37%, rounds off the list. Despite facing political and economic challenges, Mali’s strong cultural identity and communal way of life provide significant emotional support. Traditional music, art, and communal gatherings are integral parts of Malian society, helping to alleviate stress. The rural lifestyle prevalent in much of the country promotes a slower, less stressful pace of life.