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Tantita Pledges Support to Tinubu’s Administration in Combatting Oil Theft, Restoring Environment

Tantita Security Services Nigeria Limited (TSSNL) has reaffirmed its commitment to support the administration of President Bola Tinubu’s efforts in combating crude oil theft and restoring the environment.

In a congratulatory message issued by the management of TSSNL on the occasion of President Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s first year in office, TSSNL commended President Tinubu for the strides made in setting the nation on the path of economic recovery and restoration during his first year in office.

Read also: 1,437 oil theft suspects arrested in one year, says Defence Minister

The security services company expressed confidence in the administration’s ability to lead the nation to greater heights and create prosperity for all Nigerians.

TSSNL assured the government of its unwavering dedication to apprehending ships, vessels, and individuals involved in illegal crude oil bunkering activities that have negatively impacted the nation’s economy and devastated the ecosystem over the past eight years.

The company pledged to work tirelessly in support of the administration’s efforts to maintain zero tolerance for oil theft and pipeline vandalism in the Niger Delta region.

By intensifying efforts to combat oil theft, TSSNL aims to contribute to boosting oil production, increasing revenue earnings for the nation, and restoring the environment.

The company emphasized its commitment to carrying out its duties with renewed enthusiasm, vigour and efficiency to support the administration’s campaign promises to the Nigerian people.

Tantita, also vowed to collaborate with key stakeholders to achieve this ambitious target, expressing its unwavering support for the government’s Renewed Hope mantra and endorsing the Asiwaju Administration’s solid foundation, emphasizing its commitment to standing with the President every step of the way.

TSSNL highlighted the organization’s dedication to environmental preservation and securing crude oil pipelines in the Niger Delta region. They assured that every effort would be made to increase crude production, enhance revenue generation, and foster economic growth and diversification.

Additionally, Tantita reiterated its firm stance against local and foreign saboteurs operating in the oil sector, pledging to root out bootleggers, crooks, and thieves to ensure a clean and secure operating environment.

Read also: Military foils oil theft worth over N20bn in three months

The organization emphasized that no individual or entity would be spared in their mission to sanitize the industry and promote transparency and accountability.

As Tantita congratulated the President on his leadership and wished him success in steering the nation towards greatness and prosperity, they called for divine wisdom and good health to guide the affairs of the nation for the benefit of all citizens and to earn admiration on the global stage.

TSSNL’s pledge underscores the importance of collaborative efforts between the private sector and the government in addressing critical challenges facing the nation’s oil and gas sector. As President Tinubu’s administration marks its first year in office, stakeholders like TSSNL are poised to play a crucial role in advancing the country’s economic development and environmental sustainability goals.