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Hajj pilgrims don’t want to relive 2023, and Lotus Bank eases it with gifts

Nigerian pilgrims returning from the 2023 Hajj pilgrimage recounted experiences of hardship, including inadequate accommodation, transportation issues, and even a lack of medical attention in some cases.

This year, Lotus Bank, a leading non-interest financial institution, is aiming to alleviate some of these challenges for pilgrims undertaking the 2024 Hajj journey.

Lawmakers reported that over 25,000 Nigerian pilgrims faced issues with inadequate tents, forcing them to sleep on roadsides and under bridges. This included pilgrims who had paid for VIP tents. Additionally, some airlines were unable to transport pilgrims due to a lack of aircraft. Medical attention and proper transportation logistics were also flagged as areas of concern.

Lotus Bank has partnered with the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) to distribute over 18,500 gift items to intending pilgrims. These branded souvenirs are intended to enhance the pilgrims’ convenience and travel experience. The gesture extends to NAHCON officials, armed forces personnel, and other LOTUS Bank customers involved in the Hajj operation.

Lotus Bank’s Managing Director/CEO, Kafilat Araoye, emphasized that the initiative goes beyond just providing material support. It aims to foster a sense of community and care among its customers and partners. This aligns with the bank’s core values of empathy and social impact.

“The collaboration with the Hajj Commission highlights the bank’s role in supporting significant cultural and religious events, reinforcing our commitment to customer and community service,” she said.

Founded in 2021, Lotus Bank has carved a niche for itself in the non-interest banking sector.